Sunday, October 5, 2008

~*When Pigs Fly*~

This is what I had to tell my oldest daughter this week... yes I thought she was going to be like Linda Blair and have her head rotate around her shoulders when she found out that her father and I objected to her having her belly button pierced. She came to us with such conviction, and even tried to play the Birthday and Christmas card, stating that was ALL she wanted, and it would simplify things for us...yeah right! I tried to be as onjective as I could possibly be, but there is just no way, EVER that this is going to happen...until she either A) moves out or B) pigs fly...
I know she is growing up, and also that all her friends have had this done, but I feel like making chages to your body should be something you decide after much thought, and not a whim of peer pressure. She got over it, for now...we will see.
The choices we have to make are always hard, and I know that now she is in highschool, it will get much worse...but for now she is our little BIG girl ;0)

Not too much else to report, this week, just alot of basic stuff, we grocery shopped this weekend and organized. Talk to you soon!


Crazy Married Folks said...

WOW..............I remember Lil D going through a wanting his ear pierced phase. I jabbed at his ear and he screamed and got over that phase, LOL

Michelle said...

Hmmmmm. I'm trying to imagine Tori at that age..... I'd make her wait til she was 16 at least. I'm not totally against the belly ring...If I had a nice belly...I'd have mine done. But why would i want to decorate my stretchmarked/flabby belly? LOL
I am against facial piercing