Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lucky number 7...

No we are not having another child...silly! This is how old my little man was yesterday! Nicholas is now a "bigger" boy, as he says. The party was a tremendously fun time, and we all had so much fun! The kids loved the games and prizes and enjoyed being with friends and family!
I almost lost it that night because in the midst of the fanfaire, I was in a hurry and unloaded the pics from my cameracard, while it was full, and instead of copying the pics, I deleted it, and went on my merry way...later, I realized that they were lost forever,and I was so upset, because it was all the before-party pics, and poses with Nick and Kara all sweet and CLEAN looking,lol. It was all the games before they were demolished, as well. I was tearful when I sw, because it was something lost forever;0(
I moved on, now and am happy it was not ALL the pics from that day~
The past few days have been very unexciting, noting fun to report, just daily drivel. Running the kids to and fro, and trying to recover from the weekend. Maddy nd I and Nick have been ill with fevers and stuffy noses, so we have had a few rough nights, but that is really the extent of all I have to report,lol..life is so FUN here in Readerville, as my Mom says,lol.
This week is going to get a little busier, we have some stuff to do and the kids have parties and games, so it will be busy later , glad, too due to everyone being sick.
I hate to even admit that Christmas is like 2mos away, where the heck did this year go? I swear I JUST found out I was pregnant with Jaxson! Really who said this year could fly by? I have to start shopping but there is so much to always do, and it seems like money just gets tighter and tighter, I still have kara's real birthday, and Mimi's to get through,then Xmas..lol.
Ok, I think I have rattled on enough for now, glad to just get on here, the last few days it wiould not allow me to post it kept timing out, so I am happy for this time!

~~~Just wanted to Thank everyone who helped for the kid's party! You all were awesome~~~~specially my MIL Donna~she helped so much with Jax~~~~HUGS!!!

1 comment:

Crazy Married Folks said...

Happy Birthday Nick!!!!!!! I am enjoying reading your blog Sam!!!